New playroom, mudroom, master bedroom and bathroom on second floor. Matched stucco, trim, and lines to the original house. New addition set it 6” narrower on each side to allow consistent roof lines

Hampshire Addition
This is the house before. We removed the older small additions to build out 12’ and nearly the full width of the original house

Coffey Lane Addition
Here we got to design something more modern - cooled sloped roof addition over the garage. Here we made a master bedroom, bathroom, huge closet, and even more lofted storage. Steel roof and a deck on the north side overlooking the woods. This is before painting (the beige color is the siding primer)

Longfellow Addition
This house had two goofy first floor additions, and we tried to make things right with the third addition, replacing the flat roof with a master bedroom, closet, and bathroom, with a roof the mimicked the original one with the same pitches and bump out over the eaves.